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Fiction: I can help you find and fix gaps in your story line, plot, or logical progression; provide assistance with character motivations and goals; help to craft believable timelines, plot points, and points of view; work through research issues or questions; and provide assistance with other areas of concern.

Non-Fiction: I can help you find and fix information gaps or issues with logical progression; work through research issues or questions; and provide assistance with other areas of concern.

This can be done via email or on the telephone.

$35 - $55/hour
If you are too close to your project to do the necessary re-writing, or don’t have the time, I can help you. This service is customized to your specific situation and project.

$55 - $75/hour
If you have an idea you want to see come to fruition, but no time to write, I can help you. This service is customized to your specific situation and project.

This review of your résumé/CV, cover letter, or query letter will provide feedback on flow, grammatical issues, composition, sentence structure, wordiness, and overall strength.


$40 - $75/hour
The hourly rate for researching will be based on the research topic or topics, and the depth, scope, and complexity of the research.

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